


In ancient times, two gods fought and dug a hole in the sky, so the rain poured down. At this time, a man named Nu Wa came out to repair the sky. Later, when the sky was repaired, Nu Wa was also admired by the people


神话,英文是:myth。myth 英[m?θ] 美[m?θ] n. 神话; 神怪故事; 奇人,奇事; 虚构的人,虚构的事; v. 使神话化; [例句]There is a famous Greek myth in which Icarus flew too near to the Sun.有一个著名的希腊神话,讲的是伊卡洛斯飞得离太阳过近的故事。Contrary to the popular myth, women are not reckless spendthrifts. 和人们的普遍观念恰恰相反,女性并不是胡乱挥霍者。 It’s only a myth. 这不过是个神话。 It’s impossible to disentangle the myth from reality. 分清楚神话和现实是不可能的。 The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid’s work.有关那喀索斯的神话故事在奥维德的作品中有过描述。



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