


In ancient times, two gods fought and dug a hole in the sky, so the rain poured down. At this time, a man named Nu Wa came out to repair the sky. Later, when the sky was repaired, Nu Wa was also admired by the people


 译文为:古希腊时代,少年伊卡洛斯(Lcarus)和父亲狄德勒斯(Daedalus)为诸神惩罚,被囚禁在孤岛上。父亲是名巧匠,便利用岛上的蜡烛,制作了两副精巧的羽翅,一副给自己,一副给伊卡,可以藉此飞出孤岛,逃离囚禁的命运。在起飞之前,父亲千般叮咛,警告伊卡;翅膀是蜡制的,遇热会融化,因此绝不可高飞,要避开阳光。  伊卡对父亲的叮咛完全了解,但是,一旦飞起,他立刻被好奇与狂喜占据,也许从来没有在这样的高度观看海洋和岛屿罢。他逐渐远离父亲,听不见父亲的呼唤,他感觉着自己的身体被薄薄的翅膀承载起来,他欢欣地迎向灿烂的阳光,他和云朵一样高高飞起,他迷惑于透明的蜡的羽翅静静的扇动,他感觉到那薄而透的羽翼仿佛泪水一般融化成一滴一滴的液体,在阳光中飞散而去。伊卡急剧坠落,一种昏眩,一种速度的极限,一种撞裂,如同浪花礁岩的冲击,他亦如浪花,碎成千万,掉入大海。


I Like Fairy Tales

Since I was a little baby, my parents read simple stories for me. They bought me many cartoon

books with stories. They were my bedtime stories. Among all the interesting stories, I like

fairy tales most, because they are often beautiful love stories between prince and princes or

Cinderella. They are so moved and full of love. Besides, in fairy tales, no matter how much they

suffer, they will always live a happy life in the end. The happy endings bring hope and

satisfaction to people, making us hopeful to our own lives.



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