


0138翻译:司马光(佚名)Translation: Sima Guang (Anonymous) (translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) 古时候有个孩子,叫司马光。In the old days, there was a child whose name was Sima Guang.——————————————————————————————— 有一回,他跟几个小朋友在花园里玩。One time he was playing with several little friends in the garden.花园里有假山,假山下面有一口大水缸,缸里装满了水。Inside the garden there was an artificial rockwork, and below it was a large vat filled with water. ——————————————————————————————— 有个小朋友爬到假山上去玩,一不小心,掉进了大水缸。A little friend climbed up the rockwork to play and he accidentally fell into the big water vat.——————————————————————————————— 别的小朋友都慌了,Other children were in panic.有的吓哭了,Some got scared and cried.有的叫着喊着,跑去找大人。Some others screamed and ran around in an effort to find an adult.——————————————————————————————— 司马光没有慌,Sima Guang did not get panicky.他举起一块石头,使劲砸那口缸,He picked up a rock and smashed hard at the vat.几下子就把缸砸破了。After a few blows, the vat broke open.——————————————————————————————— 缸里的水流出来了,掉进缸里的小朋友得救了。All the water in the vat flowed out, and the child who fell into the vat was rescued.———————————————————————————————


原文  司马光字君实,陕州夏县人也。父池,天章阁待制。光生七岁,凛然如成人,闻讲《左氏春秋》,爱之,退为家人讲,即了其中旨。自是手不释书,至不知饥渴寒暑。群儿戏于庭,一儿登瓮,足跌没水中,众皆弃之,光持石击瓮破之,水迸,儿得活。其后京,洛间画以为图  ――《宋史》  退:放学。  去:离开 译文   邮品司马光七岁的时候稳重的就像一个大人,听到老师讲解《左氏春秋》,非常喜爱,放学之后又为家人讲他所学到的,他立即也明白了《左氏春秋》的内涵.从此手里放不下书本,甚至到了忘记了饥渴,冷热的程度。  有一次,他跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍。有个小孩爬到大缸上玩,失足掉到缸里的水中。别的孩子们一见出了事,放弃他都跑了。司马光却急中生智,从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸击去,水涌出来,小孩也得救了。



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