


枭逢鸠。鸠曰:“子将安之?”枭曰:“我将东徙。”鸠曰:“何故?”枭曰:“乡人皆恶我鸣,以故东徙。”鸠曰:“子能更鸣,可矣;不能更鸣,东徙,犹恶子之声。” 白话翻译猫头鹰遇见斑鸠。斑鸠说:“您打算到哪儿去?”猫头鹰说:“我打算到东边去。”斑鸠说:“您因为什么缘故向东边搬呢?”猫头鹰说:“乡村里的人都讨厌我叫,我因为这个缘故才搬到东边去。”斑鸠说:“要是您能改变叫的声音,那就行了;要是您不能改变叫的声音,那么就是您搬到东边去,那儿的人还是会讨厌您的叫声。”THE OWL MEETS THE RINGDOVEAn owl met a ringdove. The ringdove said:” Where are you about to go ?” The owl said:” I am about to move to the east.” The ringdove said:” For what reason are you moving?” The owl said:” The villagers all detest that I screech; for that reason I am moving to the east.” The ringdove said:” If you can change the sound of your cry, it will be all right; if you cannot change the sound of your cry, even if you move to the east, the villagers will still detest your sound.” 请采纳,谢谢!!!



上一篇 2021年6月16日 am4:30
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